Using other software?
We are excited you've stopped by. We love MemoryMixer and the capability it has to make it easy. Even Photo Shop lovers find laying out their pages in MemoryMixer is so much quicker and easier. Not to mention the quick crop and zoom, nudge and changing a photo to black & white.... all with the click of a button. Just the ability to have multiple pages in a project and be able to print the same project in multiple sizes makes life easier. You can also add music, video, personal narration to the same project and burn a DVD... using the same album.
So take a look around, we are so sure you're going to love MemoryMixer we offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. And if I haven't totally convinced you, see instructions below so you can save your projects and take advantage of our ultimate printing services.
Quality you can SEE, FEEL & AFFORD!
ps MemoryMixer takes care of all of these steps. Just saying...
Q: What if I used a different program to make my pages?
A: No Problem, we are happy to make your books using our superior time tested techniques and materials. Listed below are just a few details that will help you get the masterpiece you're looking for:
Ready to select your product? Visit the MemoryMixer Photo Gifts page and select your project type. If you're ready to upload your photobook pages click here now!
Image Specifications:
Color Mode: RGB (mainly for Photo Shop users)
Type of File: JPG (Photo Shop Users can use 10 when saving as .jpg)
Quality: 300 ppi
Image Naming:
This is an important step! It arranges the order that your pages will fall in your book, so please try to follow these guidelines. The first part of the name is your book name followed by a "-" (dash) with no space and a number (3 digits) with the extention .jpg as illustrated below.
book name-001.jpg - first page (front cover)
book name-002.jpg - page 2 (title page)
book name-003.jpg - page 3 and all odd numbers (left side of facing page layouts)
book name-004.jpg - page 4 and all even numbered (right side of facing page layouts)
book name-(last page #).jpg - back cover

Consider renaming your pages if they don't follow the guidelines above to insure your book comes out perfect!
Bleeds & Safe Area:
This refers to the area that may be trimmed in the manufacturing process to give your book that beautiful finished look with your print going all the way to the edge.
Inner Pages: 1/4" possible trimming margin.
Front & Back Covers: 1/2" possible trimming margin.
However, do not leave this area white unless it's meant to be white. These are guides only and less area may actually be trimmed.
Photo Book Page Sizes:
Square: 12 x 12, 8 x 8, 6 x 6
3600 pixels x 3600 pixels
All pages should be square, 1 pixel off can cause your book to fail.
Landscape or Portrait: 8 1/2 x 11 or 5 1/2 x 7
2550 pixels x 3300 pixels
Board Book Page Sizes:
Square: 8 x 8 or 6 x 6
3600 pixels x 3600 pixels
All pages should be square, 1 pixel off can cause your book to fail.
Square: approx 8 1/4 x 8 1/4
Booklets will automatically be white on the inside of the front and back covers.
Portrait: 8 1/2 x 11
Booklets will automatically be white on the inside of the front and back covers.
Calendar Booklets:
Square: approx 8 1/4 x 8 1/4
If you want a full bleed, you will need to save your file with full bleed or 0 margins. Images on 8 1/2 x 11 document will be okay, if you have a full bleed or 0 margins on sides.
Portrait: 8 1/2 x 11
Calendar Booklets will print on the inside of the front cover with a page for notes in the back. Inside of back cover will be white.
Use Image Specifications, Naming, Bleeds & Safe Area as identified above. However, calendars do not have back covers. See layout guide below.
Square: 8 x 8
3600 pixels x 3600 pixels
Square calendar has 25 images including front cover. Calendars do not have printed back covers.
All pages should be square, 1 pixel off can cause your book to fail.
Landscape or Portrait: 8 1/2 x 11
2550 pixels x 3300 pixels
Landscape calendar has 25 images including front cover. Calendars do not have printed back covers.
Portrait calendar has 13 images including front cover. Calendars do not have printed back covers.

And of course... should you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email or give us a call.